Forgot Your Login Info?
If you already have a member account with your email address in it, we can send you an email that will let you log in.
Simply enter your league email address below, fill in the security code and click the send button. If your email is correct (no typo's), you will receive an email from GolfLeague
Finding The Email
The system
will email you
Enter the email address correctly otherwise you will not receive it!
It may go into your spam folder, so check there if you can't find it.
The email will come from
The email will have the following subject:
"Your League Member Account at".
Please enter your email address
Please enter the software security code
from the image above
Need Additional Login Help?
If you have a new email address and have not up-dated your information, then your golf league software account does not have it so...
You must contact your league Administrator.
for additional help